IIOSIF KIRALY (b. 1957- Romania) works in photography, installation and performance. He exhibits both single and under the name of "subREAL*" (together with Calin Dan).Lecturer of photography at University of Arts Bucharest (since 1991).

My artistic activity at the last decade developed on two levels: the first one involved the work of the group subREAL, a collaboration based on a socio-political-historical-artistic discourse using photography (and photo installation) as its primary media. The second one has a more personal character and is also based on photography; a mediun that both records as well as creating re-enectments of certain moments from my personal life. This project, entitled Indirect, is ongoing and began with my distrust of my own ability to perceive, understand, and enjoy moments as they are occurring.
Many times in my life, certain events, words, or meaningful glances had completely different meanings than I believed (or wanted to belive) at the time they occurred. Indirect uses a proustian approach and developed as a result of a personal shyness. This shyness always stopped me from reacting spontaneusly to the appeals that emerged from real life. Photography helps me to overcome this handicap. While processing the film and making the prints, I experience an expansion of the time contained in each frame. In this sense, photography is the medium which allows me to re-enact (mentally) fragments of my own life. Photography is for me is an artform wich enables me, like Faust, to tell time: "Stop" !

Main group shows":

After the Wall "- Art and Culture in post-Communist Europe - Stockholm 1999, Budapest 2000, Berlin 2000
"Biennale di Venezia" 1999*,1997, 1993*
Berlin Biennale 1998*
Site Santa Fe 1997*
"Le Corps Photographie" La Filature FRAC Alsace 1996
Manifesta 1, Rotterdam 1996*
Beyond Belief" Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago 1995,
I.C.A. Philadelphia 1997
"Month of Photography" Bratislava 1995
"Európa - Európa", Bonn 1994
22 Biennal Internacional Sao Paolo 1994
2 Internationale Foto Triennale - Esslingen 1992